

August 27, 2024
Realistic Dentures Before and After

Realistic dentures can dramatically enhance a person’s appearance and confidence. The transformation from before to after is often remarkable. Realistic dentures have revolutionized dental care, offering a solution for those missing teeth. Many individuals experience a significant boost in self-esteem and quality of life after getting dentures.  The before-and-after journey showcases how well-designed dentures can...

August 21, 2024
How Long Does Dental Filling Last?

Dental fillings typically last between 5 to 15 years, depending on the material used and individual oral habits. Regular dental check-ups help ensure their longevity and identify any necessary replacements. Dental fillings play a crucial role in restoring teeth affected by decay or damage. They not only prevent further deterioration but also help maintain the...

August 21, 2024
How Much is a Teeth Whitening?

A bright smile can significantly boost your confidence and enhance your appearance. Teeth whitening has become increasingly popular, thanks to its ability to effectively remove stains and discoloration.  Many people seek professional whitening options for quicker and more noticeable results compared to over-the-counter solutions. Factors influencing the cost include the type of treatment, the dentist’s...

August 14, 2024
Can you eat after dental filling?

Yes, you can eat after a dental filling. However, it’s best to wait at least 30 minutes and avoid hard, sticky, or chewy foods. Dental fillings are a common dental procedure aimed at restoring teeth affected by cavities. After receiving a filling, many people wonder about the appropriate time to resume eating. It’s crucial to...

August 13, 2024
Tooth implant vs dental bridge

Tooth implants typically offer a longer lifespan and better jawbone health, while dental bridges are less invasive and quicker to install. Choosing between them depends on individual dental needs and preferences. Choosing between a tooth implant and a dental bridge can be a crucial decision for your oral health. Both options address missing teeth but...

August 11, 2024
Does coconut oil whiten teeth?

Coconut oil can help whiten teeth over time through consistent oil pulling. Coconut oil is a popular natural remedy for teeth whitening. Many people use coconut oil pulling as a natural way to improve their oral health and whiten their teeth. By swishing coconut oil in the mouth for several minutes, the oil helps to...

August 11, 2024
How to avoid root canal?

To avoid a root canal, practice good oral hygiene by brushing your teeth at least twice a day, flossing regularly, and using fluoride toothpaste. Avoid acidic drinks and hard foods, and visit your dentist for regular checkups. By following these preventative measures, you can reduce the risk of developing severe damage or decay that may...

August 1, 2024
Cosmetic Dentistry North York. Cosmetic dentistry before and after

Cosmetic dentistry before and after photos showcase the transformative results of various dental procedures. From porcelain veneers to teeth whitening, these treatments allow individuals to enhance their smiles and achieve noticeable improvements with no invasive procedures. Whether you’re looking to correct dental imperfections or simply enhance the appearance of your teeth, cosmetic dentistry offers a...

July 24, 2024
Dental Office North York. Implant supported upper denture.

Implant-Supported upper dentures provide stability and function for those missing upper teeth. This advanced dental solution offers a more secure and comfortable option compared to traditional dentures. With a minimum of four implants for upper jaw support, patients experience improved chewing, speaking and overall oral health. Surgically installed implants ensure a long-lasting and durable solution....

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Copyright 2024 Yonge Dental Care. All rights reserved. Website and Marketing by World AI Group